some thoughts.
hello girls.
maybe i ve treat this as my personal blog alr . since i currently dont have one.
anyway, there s some thoughts here. i thought i ll feel better if i talk to the blog.

hmm, basically having some problems with my sis. she complained to father that i gave her attitude. yes, i did.(basically i just dint smile to her) just felt that as time goes by, everyone has their own life. look, i ve got a choice to want to stay close to her, perhaps to maintain our sister ship. however, i feel that its not worthwhile after all these attempts. is really suppose to be a two way thing.i dont know, i felt that she dint make much effort.(though she did a little, she bought a perfume like thinggy for me conveniently, since she wants it for herself) yes, she dont have to buy it for me, and yes, i appreciate her. but still, she demonstrated her self centred nature. she bought sth that look less pretty for me.(i like hers too!) hahaa but yes, i appreciate her.its wrong not to demonstrate it.i find myself difficult to love her, nowadays.i feel bitter that i am behaving like that towards her,but i cant love her , and give in to her anymore. she s really leading her life.and i am really feeling the gap.

To low: i wish ur sis dont feel this way towards you. " dont you know that i am trying"? love her more.=)siblings.
yam: love ur brother more okie!

my father just talk to me. its the second time we talk abt this matter. and today, i told him that i wasnt happy with sis.but unwilling to talk things out. i told him, talking things out might be useless. i ve learnt to keep some things. i dont know if it s good or bad. but i ve got no rights to try to change her lifestyle. i cant bring myself to tell her "u ve been spending too much time with Colin" u ve neglected the family. i cant, cause eventually,we will lead our own lives.. its a matter of who says bye first.bye to the quality time we had.

so issit time to smile,and let go?

also, my father commented that i am very realistic.(xian shi) now, i am reflecting. i admitted. my first instinct is naturally, NO! but i admitted that i was in the past. he says that i sounded sweet when i want him to fetch me. hahah which is true. you cant probably be demanding when u re requesting right? haha but i told him, i did set apart some time to accompany him alr.AND YES i DID i really did. the insignificant yet tough effort is just not obvious. then i felt that this little things i ve done is not appreciated. i think my sis dont even know that i ve tried.

right now, i am reflecting again. wad have i done wrong, wad have i not appreciate,wad have they give that i took it for granted.out of this busy life, can someone understand that even 1 hour is mad for me. cause i am so slow. my goodness.my hour is your 3 hours.life is a little too demanding, results, quality time. its really striking a balance, my friends.


love one another.

HEY MY DEAR READERS (if there is any..)
let's go for night cycling shall we? enjoy the breeze and we can talk thru the night. some time for us to catch up a little.. should be either this fri or next fri.
debbie yam (remember me?)

love one another.


Sweat, effort, left on the court once upon a time

Talk Begins.

Netballs bounced!

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